They also found that this link existed independent of other factors such as number of years married, number of children, income level and differences in actual time spent commuting. 他们同时发现这样的关系不受其他的因素如婚龄、育儿数、收入水平、通勤时间的影响。
The total amount of tax due is supposed to be roughly independent of whether the income is earned at home or abroad. 应纳税额总额大体上与所得是在本国取得的还是在外国取得的无关。
This would be the case independent of the personal tax treatment of interest income, again because of the separation of the savings and investment side of the capital market. 这将是此案的独立的个人的税务处理的利息收益,又因为分离的储蓄和投资方面的资本市场。
Moreover the highly-rated independent advisory businesses derive their income largely from fees. 此外,该公司深受好评的独立顾问业务收入主要来自收费。
And a woman whose husband turns out to be a pig will find it easier to leave him if she has an independent income. 而拥有独立收入的女性,当发现她的丈夫原来笨得像头猪时,会更容易与他分手。
She had an independent income from safe investments of about a hundred dollars a year; 从这些稳妥的投资中,她每年都有大约一百块钱的额外进项。
In both studies, the connection was independent of IQ, family income, race, or maternal smoking during pregnancy. 在两个研究中,这种联系和智商、家庭收入、种族或怀孕期间吸烟无关。
He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income. 他发出了同情之声,这种同情声是那些有独立收入的人最容易说出口的。
A New Institutional Economics Analysis of Improving Nanjing Capability of Independent Innovation& A Perspective of Striding Over "the Middle Income Trap" 提高南京自主创新能力的新制度经济学分析&一个跨越中等收入陷阱的视角
People generally believe it is good for children to become more independent as well as providing them extra income. 一般认为这有助于培养他们的独立性同时贴补家用。
If such payment or receipt of costs or fees is not made in the same way as that for business transactions among independent enterprises for the purpose of reducing its taxable income amount, the tax authority has the power to make necessary adjustment. 不按照独立企业之间的业务往来收取或者支付价款、费用,而减少其应纳税的所得额的,税务机关有权进行合理调整。
This thoroughly transformed the situation in which women were excluded from social productive labor, providing them with an independent source of income. 这彻底改变了旧中国将妇女排斥在社会生产劳动之外的状况,使妇女有了独立的经济来源。
Economically dependent, women were robbed of property and inheritance rights and possessed no independent source of income. 经济上依附,没有财产所有权和继承权,没有独立的经济来源。
In this paper, we will analyze independent series of hospital income using transfer function model. Meanwhile, we are going to forecast and compare the true value with outcomes of transfer function model and that of ARIMA model. 本文中,我们将利用传递函数模型对医院业务收入的影响因素进行分析,同时还要对医院业务收入进行预测,并将传递函数模型的预测结果与实际值和ARIMA模型的预测结果进行比较。
Conclusion The incidence of bad outcome in women with threatened pregnancy was high. Early virginal hemorrhage and intrauterine haematoma were independent risk factors of bad outcome for threatened miscarriage while old age and low income acted as possible risk factors. 结论先兆流产不良妊娠结局发生率较高,早期阴道流血、宫内大血肿是不良妊娠结局独立危险因素,高龄妊娠与低收入是可能的危险因素。
The independent risk factors of the high BG are: age, obesity and overweight, WHR, hypertension, level of education, income of the family, and the family history of diabetes and obesity. 年龄、肥胖超重、腰/臀比、高血压、文化程度、家庭收入、糖尿病家族史、肥胖家族史是高血糖的独立危险因素。
Studies reveal that the best reimbursement level depends on independent directors for their risk preference, income expectation, proficiency and production function. 研究发现,最优薪酬水平取决于独立董事的风险偏好、收入预期、工作能力和生产函数;
In the model, the average selling price of commodity house in Hebei is the dependent variable. The independent variables are cost of completed houses, area of completed buildings, the per capita disposable income, saleable area and the urban population in Hebei province. 其中,河北省商品房平均销售价格作为因变量引入模型,而自变量则主要从供求角度搜集,分别为:竣工房屋造价,竣工房屋面积,河北省人均可支配收入,销售面积,河北省城镇人口。
The local government has independent behavior target and behavior pattern and plays the role of "first activity group" in the system transformation, seeking clean income from the latent system on its own initiative. 地方政府具有独立的行为目标和行为模式,其努力程度在该地区体制变迁中起着重要的作用,主动谋取潜在体制净收益。
The audit charge of the independent audit mechanism in the concrete movement process is important link, is the accounting firm income origin and the auditor reward foundation. It has the close relation with the accounting firm market competition behavior and the audit disciple of a master behavior. 审计收费是独立审计机制在具体运行过程中的重要环节,是会计师事务所收入的来源和审计人员报酬的基础,与会计师事务所的市场竞争行为和审计执业行为有密切的联系。
The eastern region of the independent variables influence the growth rate of premium income were greater than other regions. 东部区域各自变量对保费收入增长率的影响程度均大于其他区域。
Eastern region has four main aspects of the structural problems: First, lack of capacity of independent innovation; the second is surging pressure of the energy, resources, and environmental; Third, rapid urban income gap widening; Fourth, increased macroeconomic risk factor. 东部发达地区主要有四个方面的结构性问题:一是自主创新能力不足;二是能源、资源、环境压力骤增;三是城镇居民收入差距急剧拉大;四是宏观经济运行风险系数加大。
A good cross-quadratic function can be built between per capita effective heat and two independent variables including per capita income and energy attributes. The effective heat is the result of two independent variables interacting together, income being the most important. 有效用能和能源属性、人均收入之间具有良好的交叉二次函数关系,家庭有效用能是两个自变量共同作用的结果,其中收入的贡献较大。
This investigative frame is composed of independent variable ( variousdemotions of social capital), outcome variable ( various demotions of social farmer innovation) and control variable ( age, special experiences and income levels at the start of replanningfarmlands) and corresponding path relationship. 该研究框架由自变量(社会资本的各维度)、结果变量(农户创新的各维度)和控制变量(年龄、特殊经历、退耕开始时的收入水平)三类变量和相应的路径关系组成。
Final data show that consumers to purchase for electric cars on the choice, the independent variable affect change wave from strong to the weak is as follows: month income industrial policy attitude promotion price sense perception quality. 最终数据显示:消费者对于电动汽车购买意愿选择上,自变量影响变化波动由强到弱依次为:月收入推广态度产业政策感知价格感知质量。
Finally, independent samples T-test and single variable analysis of variance results showed that gender, education, monthly income, personality traits and demographic variables had no significant effect on the online reviews behavior. 最后,独立样本T检验和单变量方差分析结果显示性别、学历、月收入、个性特征等人口统计变量对在线评论行为的影响不显著。